You can now apply for the sommelier course, 1st level. The course starts on

Monday 11 October in Florence in Starthotels Michelangelo (Viale Fratelli Rosselli 2) Firenze, near Porta a Prato. It lasts 9 weeks, consisting of lessons on Monday. The application fee for each person for the 1st level is 290,00 € all included

For any information and the application form write to

info@ilsantuccio.it   or call 


Association : 055 5397658

or +39 347 3353985

To partecipate you must be member of IL SANTUCCIO  (it costs 50 euro)

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Go to www.ilsantuccio.it

in Italian language

If you send us the most original of your photos about wine items, we will publish them on our web site.
Discover this association which organizes trips, cruises with wine and other tipical products tasting also  on ancient cars

 Raccolte di strumenti di vigna e di cantina, carri agricoli, macchine trebbiatrici, aratri e moltissimi altri oggetti della vita quotidiana, stampe antiche, editti, etichette, menu', mappe e dipinti sul mondo del vino.
Curiosità, informazioni e indirizzi dei più famosi musei del vino Italiani.
We will soon open a wine museum of the Association
  "Il Santuccio".

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